Treatment For Herniated Discs & Sciatica In St Paul MN
Treatment For Herniated Discs & Sciatica In St Paul MN

Back To Wellness Chiropractic & Nutrition our St Paul MN chiropractic clinic offers comprehensive chiropractic services that include adjustments, stretching, massage, lumbar traction, and more. If you know someone having difficulty walking, trouble sleeping or having a hard time working or playing due to low back pain, sciatica, or lumbar herniated disc issues share Back To Wellness Chiropractic & Nutrition with him or her!
Treatments For Herniated Discs & Sciatica In St Paul MN
Sometimes Dr. Kayla is like Mike Strafelda from Collective Carpentry or Joe O'Brien from JCO Construction - she has a toolbox with a lot of tools in it! One of her tools that can help severe low back pain or sciatica is lumbar traction with "cat" scans (see pictures - haha! If you aren't a fan of cats we can keep them out of the room-no worries!).
Lumbar traction is helpful for cases of low back pain, herniated disc pain, radiating leg pain, and pinched nerves. It stretches the spine in the long direction and creates more space for the nerves between the vertebrae plus helps decrease inflammation in the area that is causing some of the back or leg symptoms.

11:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 3:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
7:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Back To Wellness Chiropractic & Nutrition
1173 7th St W
St Paul, MN 55102
P: (952) 693-1565
F: (651) 925-0073